Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Standard Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products at Atmospheric Pressure

ChemicalFormulas – About this standard test method is issued under the fixed designation D 86 in ASTM Document, This test method covers the atmospheric distillation of petroleum products using a laboratory batch distillation unit to determine quantitatively the boiling range characteristics of such products as light and middle distillates, automotive spark-ignition engine fuels, automotive spark-ignition engine fuels containing up to 10 % ethanol, aviation gasolines, avia-tion turbine fuels, 1-D and 2-D diesel fuels, biodiesel blends up to 20 %, marine fuels, special petroleum spirits, naphthas, white spirits, kerosines, and Grades 1 and 2 burner fuels.

The basic test method of determining the boiling range of a petroleum product by performing a simple batch distillation has been in use as long as the petroleum industry has existed. It is one of the oldest test methods under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02, dating from the time when it was still referred to as the Engler distillation. Since the test method has been in use for such an extended period, a tremendous number of historical data bases exist for estimating end-use sensitivity on products and processes.

The distillation is performed in a laboratory batch distillation unit at ambient pressure under conditions that are designed to provide approximately one theoretical plate fractionation. Systematic observations of temperature readings and volumes of condensate are made, depending on the needs of the user of the data. The volume of the residue and the losses are also recorded.

Test results are commonly expressed as percent evaporated or percent recovered versus corresponding temperature, either in a table or graphically, as a plot of the distillation curve.

At the conclusion of the distillation, the observed vapor temperatures can be corrected for barometric pressure and the data are examined for conformance to procedural requirements, such as distillation rates. The test is repeated if any specified condition has not been met.

This test are significance and use because distillation limits are often included in petroleum product specifications, in commercial contract agreements, process refinery/control applications, and for compliance to regulatory rules.


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